主要研究兴趣包括教师评估素养、教师情感、教师身份认同、乡村教育、青少年学习情绪等。近年来在国内外教育学及语言学权威期刊发表论文50余篇。代表作发表在如Teaching and Teacher Education, Language Teaching Research, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, TESOL Quarterly, System, Teaching in Higher Education, Language Assessment Quarterly, Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, Research Papers in Education以及《现代外语》、《中国外语》、《外语界》、《外语教学》、《外语与外语教学》、《外语教育研究前沿》、《外语教学理论与实践》等。2016年发表在Teaching and Teacher Education上的代表作Teacher assessment literacy in practice: A reconceptualization入选ESI近10年高被引论文。担任Springer及Taylor & Francis等国际一级出版社著作审稿人,超过30家SSCI期刊匿名审稿人和国内多家CSSCI期刊审稿专家,担任国内外多所高校博士论文外审及答辩专家。主持完成国社科青年课题一项与省级厅级课题四项。目前主持国家社科一般课题一项。积极参与社会服务,拥有丰富的教师培训经验。近三年受邀做学术会议主旨(特邀)发言以及外语教师培训超80场,深受广大参训教师好评。
2022-至今 yth2206游艇会官网,教授,博士生导师
2019-2021 广东外语外贸大学英语教育学院,教授,硕士生导师
2012-2018 广东外语外贸大学英语教育学院,副教授
2008-2011 广东外语外贸大学英语教育学院,讲师
2005-2007 广东外语外贸大学英语教育学院,助教
2013-2017 香港大学教育学院,哲学博士(英语教育方向)
2003-2005 中山大学外国语学院,硕士(外国语言学及应用语言学)
1999-2003 yth2206游艇会官网(英语师范专业)+文学院(汉语言文学专业)学士
Guo, Q. & Xu, Y. * (2024). Student teachers’ motivation to teach: The roles of basic psychological needs, teaching self-efficacy, and teaching emotions from a variable- and person-centered approach. Teaching and Teacher Education, 148, 104688. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2024.104688 [SSCI, Q1].
Xu, Y., & Liu, Y. (2024). Language assessment literacy for teachers: A systematic review. In Z. Tajeddin., & T. S. C. Farrell (eds.), Handbook of Language Teacher Education, Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-43208-8_16-1
许悦婷、刘呈呈、韩晔(2023)基于文献回顾的教师反馈素养多维连续体框架,《外语教学》(CSSCI), 44(5), 60-66.
Xu, Y., Chen, J., & He, L. (2023). How personal, experiential, and contextual factors meiate EFL teachers’ conceptions of assessment: A narrative study. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics. (ESCI)
Xu, Y. & Qiu, X. (2022). Necessary but problematic: Chinese university English teachers’ perceptions and practices of assessing class participation. Teaching in Higher Education, 27(7), 841-858. doi: 10.1080/13562517.2020.1747424 [SSCI, Q2, 2 cites calculated by GoogleScholar]
Guo, Q., & Xu, Y. * (2021). Formative assessment use in university EFL writing instruction: A survey report from China. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 41(2), 221-237. [SSCI, Q4, 10 cites by GoogleScholar] doi: 10.1080/02188791.2020.1798737
Han, Y., & Xu, Y.* (2021). Student feedback literacy and engagement with feedback: A case study of Chinese undergraduate students. Teaching in Higher Education. 26 (2), 181-196. DOI: 10.1080/13562517.2019.1648410 [SSCI, Q2, 45 cites calculated by GoogleScholar]
Wang, J., & Xu, Y. (2021). Designing nested tasks to facilitate students’ meta-cognitive development: Assessment-as-learning practice from two award-winning university teachers. In Z. Yan. & L. Yang. (Eds). Assessment as learning: Maximizing opportunities for student learning and achievement (pp. 98-111). Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-367-50997-2 [1 cite calculated by GoogleScholar]
Han, Y., & Xu, Y*. (2020). The development of student feedback literacy: The influences of teacher feedback on peer feedback. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 45(5), 680-696. doi: 10.1080/026029838.2019.1689545 [SSCI, Q1, 52 cites calculated by GoogleScholar]
Xu, Y. (2019a). How teacher conceptions of assessment mediate assessment literacy: A case study of a university English teacher in China. In K. Bailey & R. Damerow (Eds.). Global Perspectives on Language Assessment: Research, Theory, and Practice (pp. 197-211). Routledge. ISBN 9780429437922
Xu, Y. (2019b). English language teacher assessment literacy in practice. In X. Gao (Ed.). Second Handbook of English Language Teaching (pp.517-540). Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-319-58542-0 [7 cites from GoogleScholar]
Xu, Y., * & Harfitt, G. (2019). Is assessment for learning feasible in large classes? Challenges and coping strategies from three case studies. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 47(5), 472-486. doi:10.1080/1359866X.2018.1555790 [SSCI, Q3, 11 cites calculated by GoogleScholar]
Xu, Y., & He, L.* (2019). How pre-service teachers’ conceptions of assessment change over practicum: implications for teacher assessment literacy. Frontier in Education: Assessment, Testing and Applied Measurement. doi:10.3389/feduc.2019.00145/full [14 cites calculated by GoogleScholar]
Xu, Y. (2018). Not just listening to the teacher’s voice: A case study of a university English teacher’s use of audio feedback on social media in China. Frontier in Education: Assessment, Testing and Applied Measurement. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2018.00065 [4 cites calculated by GoogleScholar]
Xu, Y. (2018). Assessment in the language classroom: teachers support student learning, by L. Cheng and J. Fox (Eds.). London, UK: Palgrave, 2017, 246 pp., $31, ISBN: 978-1-137-46483-5 (paperback). Language Assessment Quarterly, 15(4), 423-425. [SSCI, Q1, 2 cites calculated by GoogleScholar]
Xu, Y., * & Carless, D. (2017). ‘Only true friends could be cruelly honest’: Cognitive scaffolding and social-affective support in teacher feedback literacy. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 42(7), 1082-1094. [SSCI, Q1, 85 cites calculated by GoogleScholar]
Xu, Y., * & Brown, G. T. L. (2017). University English teacher assessment literacy: A survey-test report from China. Papers in Language Testing and Assessment, 6(1), 133-158. [86 cites calculated by GoogleScholar]
许悦婷,张仁霞(2017)小组活动中评价个人贡献的必要性与可行性实证研究, 《现代外语》(CSSCI),40(2),244-253.
Liu, J., & Xu, Y. (2017). Assessment for learning in English language classrooms in China: Contexts, problems, and solutions. In H. Reinders, D. Nunan & B. Zou, (Eds.). Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching: The Case of China. (pp. 17-37). (ISBN: 978-1-137-60091-2978-1-137-60091-2). (pp. 17-32). Chapter DOI: 10.1057/978-1-137-60092-9_2. London, UK: Palgrave McMillan. [19 cites calculated by GoogleScholar]
Xu, Y., *& Brown, G.T.L. (2016). Teacher assessment literacy in practice: A reconceptualization. Teaching and Teacher Education, 58, 149-162. doi: org/10.1016/j.tate.2016.05.010 [SSCI, Q1, 472 cites calculated by GoogleScholar]
Xu, Y. (2016). Assessment planning within the context of university English language teaching (ELT) in China: Implications for assessment literacy. Australia Review of Applied Linguistics, 39(3), 233-254. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2016.05.010 [7 cites calculated by GoogleScholar]
许悦婷.(2010). 用层次分析法探求大学英语四级考试各题型最佳权重.广东外语外贸大学学报, 3, 91-94.
许悦婷、刘骏 (2010). 基于匿名书面反馈的二语写作反馈研究,《外语教学理论与实践》(CSSCI), 3, 44-49.
Xu. Y., * & Liu. Y. (2009). Teacher assessment knowledge and practice: A narrative inquiry of a Chinese college EFL teacher’s experience. TESOL Quarterly, 43(3), 493-513. doi: 10.1002/j.1545-7249.2009.tb00246.x [SSCI, Q1, 198 cites calculated by GoogleScholar]
许悦婷、刘永灿. (2008). 大学英语教师形成性评估知识的叙事探究.《外语教学理论与实践》(CSSCI), 2, 61-67.
Xu, Y., & Liu, J. (2007). The effectiveness of anonymous written feedback from peers and the teacher on revisions in China. In Jun Liu (Ed.). English Language Teaching in China: New Approaches, Perspectives and Standards. (pp.285-310) London: Continuum.
Tao, J., Xu,. Y.* & Gao, X. A. (2024). Teacher emotion and agency in online teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 137, 104389. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2023.104389 [SSCI,Q1]
Xu, Y., & Tao, J. (2023). The pedagogical and socio-affective dimensions of identity tensions and teacher agency: Case studies of university English teachers teaching online. Language Teaching Research, 1-22, DOI: 10.1177/13621688221151047. [SSCI, Q1]
Tao, J., & Xu, Y. * (2022). Parent support for young learners’ online learning of English in a Chinese primary school. System. DOI:10.1016/j.system.2021.102718. [SSCI, Q1]
韩晔,许悦婷*,李斑斑,高雪松(2024).研究生学术论文写作与发表情境下的情绪调节策略 研究.《现代外语》,1,114-125..https://doi.org/10.20071/j.cnki.xdwy.20231027.003.
许悦婷,刘呈呈(2024)外语学科导师对硕士生情绪的调节:一项基于反馈情境的多重个案研究. 《外语与外语教学》,1, 33-45.
韩晔、许悦婷*、李斑斑、高雪松(2024) 研究生学术论文写作与发表情境下的情绪调节策略研究,《现代外语》,1, 114-125.
Han, Y., & Xu, Y. * (2023). Emotional support from the perspective of extrinsic emotion regulation: Insights of computer science doctoral supervisors. Teaching in Higher Education, 28 (7), 1725-1743. DOI: 10.1080/13562517.2021.1928059. [SSCI, Q2]
Han, Y., & Xu, Y. * (2021). Unpacking the emotional dimension of doctoral supervision: Supervisors’ emotions and emotion regulation strategies. Frontier in Psychology. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.651859. [SSCI, Q1, 2 cites by GoogleScholar]
Xu, Y. (2018). A methodological review of L2 teacher emotion research: Advances, challenges and future directions. In J. Martinez Agudo (Ed.) Emotions in Second Language Teaching: Theory, Research and Teacher Education (pp. 35-49) ISBN: 9783319754383 [18 cites calculated by GoogleScholar]
Xu, Y. (2013). Language teacher emotion in relationship: A multiple case study. In Zhu, X. & Zeichner, K. (Eds). Preparing Teachers for the 21st Century (pp.371-393). Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-36969-8. [38 cites calculated by GoogleScholar]
许悦婷,谷红丽,刘晓斌,庄千红,黄苑琳,陈一莹 (2023). 英语师范生在教育精准帮扶活动中的教师身份认同构建研究,《中国外语》(CSSCI),第三期,87-96.
Xu, Y & Tao, J. (2023). The pedagogical and socio-affective dimensions of identity tensions and teacher agency: Case studies of university English teachers teaching online. Language Teaching Research. Doi: 136216882211510. 10.1177/13621688221151047.
Xu, Y. (2017). Becoming a researcher: A journey of inquiry. In G. Barkhuizen (Ed.), Reflections on Language Teacher Identity Research. New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. (pp.120-125). ISBN: 978113818689 [10 cites calculated by GoogleScholar]
Xu, Y. (2017). “I cannot dance upon my toes”: A case study into teacher learning through participating in an English teaching contest in China. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 40(4), 353-370. [3 cites calculated by GoogleScholar]
Xu, Y. (2014). Becoming researchers: A narrative study of Chinese university EFL teachers’ research practice and their professional identity construction. Language Teaching Research, 18(2), 242-259. [SSCI, Q1, 119 cites calculated by GoogleScholar]
Liu, Y., & Xu. Y. (2013). The trajectory of learning in a teacher community of practice: A narrative inquiry. Research Papers in Education, 28(2), 176-195. [SSCI, Q3, 82 cites calculated by GoogleScholar]
Liu, Y., & Xu. Y. (2011). Inclusion or exclusion?: A narrative inquiry of a language teacher’s identity experience in the ‘new work order’ of competing pedagogies. Teaching and Teacher Education, 27(3), 589-597. doi: org/10.1016/j.tate.2010.10.013 [SSCI, Q1, 241 cites calculated by GoogleScholar]
许悦婷 (2011). 大学英语教师在评估改革中身份转变的叙事探究《外语教学理论与实践》(CSSCI), 2, 41-50.
Li, Z., & Xu, Y.* (2022). Textbook-mediated teaching: A case study of four language teachers in higher education in China. In D. K. LaScotte, C. S. Mathieu, & S. S. David (Eds). New Perspectives on Material Mediation in Language Learner Pedagogy. Springer Nature: Switzerland AG.
Li, Z., & Xu, Y.* (2021).Sustaining the effective use of materials in language classrooms: A conceptual understanding of teacher knowledge of material use. Sustainability, 13, 8115. http://doi.org/10.3390/su13148115. [SSCI, Q2, 1 cite calculated by GoogleScholar]
Li, Z., & Xu, Y.* (2020). Unpacking the processes of materials use: An interdisciplinary perspective of language teacher’s use of materials in China. SAGE Open, 1-13. DOI: 10.1177/2158244020977875. [SSCI, Q2, 5 cites by GoogleScholar]
顾佩娅,许悦婷,古海波 (2013).高校英语教师专业发展环境叙事问卷的设计与初步应用, 《中国外语》(CSSCI), 56(6), 88-95.
Sage video: http://sk.sagepub.com/video/chinese-university-efl-teachers-research-practice-and-professional-identity-construction
2024 入选美国斯坦福大学和爱思唯尔数据库共同发布2024全球前2%顶尖科学 家榜单(Stanford University Top 2 Scientists List)
2023 入选美国斯坦福大学和爱思唯尔数据库共同发布2023全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(Stanford University Top 2 Scientists List)
2023 爱思唯尔中国高被引学者(外国语言文学)
2022 爱思唯尔中国高被引学者(外国语言文学)
2021 爱思唯尔中国高被引学者(外国语言文学)
2020 爱思唯尔中国高被引学者(教育学)
2020 广东外语外贸大学优秀教师
2020 广东外语外贸大学优秀研究生导师
2020 广东外语外贸大学科研业绩一等奖
2019 广东外语外贸大学科研业绩二等奖
2017 广东外语外贸大学科研业绩二等奖
2017 香港大学教育学院最佳研究论文奖
2016 英国文化教育协会所颁发的评估研究奖(Assessment Research Award), 全球五个获奖人之一
2016 广东外语外贸大学科研业绩二等奖
2015 美国ETS(Educational Testing Service)所颁发的博士论文奖(Small Grants for Doctoral Research in Second or Foreign Language Assessment)(全球六个获奖人之一)
2015 美国英语教育研究协会(TIRF)所颁发的博士论文奖(全球八个获奖人之一)
2015 国际语言测试协会颁发的学生论文奖(Student Travel Award)(全球三个获奖人之一)
2014 广东外语外贸大学科研业绩二等奖
2014 田家炳教育基金会授予的“田家炳教师教育青年学者”
2012 广东外语外贸大学科研业绩二等奖
2011 田家炳教育基金会授予的“田家炳教师教育青年学者”
2009 广东外语外贸大学科研业绩二等奖